Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Mind

I have no idea for what I'm looking for..
should i end this up?
I failed, did I?

well hi guys!
am at collage this year, and i had a great days since being here :)
had a great friends, great study, great lectures, new experiences and many more.
so, i wanna tell you something bout what I've learned today.

its about "Mind Mapping"
A Mind Map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze, comprehend, and generate new ideas.

Just as in every great idea, its power lies in its simplicity.

Well, it presents in visual way with its color and graphics. It will remind us about our targets. Planning our day and our life. And the important things is, it was one of our prayer.
Believe it or not, when we see our mind map then automatically we will do all things related our targets :)

then the other question is..
"If we don't get our targets, then we feel sooo disappointed.. what should we do?"
#itstearsmealot #sigh

its not easy of course, but why we didn't think it possitively?
what we think good is not necessarily good for us, right?
God knows far more than we do, and sometimes what we think we "need" is not necessarily the best thing for us and He knows that.

He knows the best and will gave the best to us :)
"Aku sebagaimana prasangka hambaKu kepada-Ku"
so keep fighting guys, think positives..
husnudzon to Allah, then it will be more great :)